Legal Investigation Division


Appearing before the legal institutions including the following Courts on behalf of the National Youth Services Council and/or Chairman, Director General (Written matters and holding discussions)/ and coordination duties are carried out by this division.


  1. Supreme Court

  2. Appeal Court

  3. Civil Appeal Court

  4. High Court

  5. Regional Court

  6. Magistrate Court

  7. Labour Tribunal

  8. Labour Compensation Court


Legal Institutions
  1. Human Rights Commission

  2. Ombudsman’s Office

  3. Bribery Commission

  4. Labour Commissioner’s Department

  5. Criminal Investigation Department

Coordination of matters related to disciplinary investigation, organizing of pre-planning activities related to them and implementing of post trust matters.


Staff of the Division
No. Designation Name
1. Assistant Director Mr. Sarath Ukwatta
2. District Youth Services Officer Mr. P.D. Rathnasiri
3. Management Assistant Mrs. P. Ruvini
4. Management Assistant Mr. W. Ajith Prasad
5. Office Employee Mr. Indika Perera