Since the inception of the National Youth Services Council in the 70s, in order to keep the youth and the general public informed about the activities of this organization, a media unit was set up.
While this division was originally known as the Media and Information Technology Division, among the handful of sections of the National Youth Services Council based at “De Fonseka Road”, this has become a premier division of this institution.
The original staff members of this unit consisted of an Assistant Director, Publicity Officer, three typist/clerks, Cinema equipment operator, Sound technician and an Office Assistant. Whenever there were breaks during the national services programs, the youth had the opportunity to view documentaries and Sinhala films initiated by the Media Division. Besides this, they utilized the Mobile propaganda unit in their possession to create awareness about the activities of the National Youth Services Council among the youth in the rural areas of Sri Lanka.
Similarly, the media unit utilized the print media and state radio stations to disseminate news about the programs of the NYSC.
In more recent times, the use of the television media as well as FM channels were used to publicize the wide variety of programs of the Council.
Further, besides magazines such as ‘Youvanaya’ , ‘Yovun Mul’, another called ‘Puwath Hasun’ was published and also productions of Radio and Television programs was done by the media unit.
At present, in addition to providing maximum exposure to the programs of the National Youth Services Council through newspapers, radio and television the media unit also engages in the production of commemorative issues, invitations, cut outs, banners, posters, handbills, t shirts, caps, medals, newspaper notices etc.