To be able to provide the necessary competencies in persons that meet National and International labour requirements.
To make available island-wide a Youth labour force capable of meeting the developmental needs of the island, who also have the necessary technical competencies to meet these needs.
To ensure that all the training centres operating under the auspices of the National Youth Services Council are converted to become certified training centres conforming to acceptable national and international competency levels thereby supplying to the market a Sri Lankan trained labour force that meet acceptable standards.
Technical Vocational Training Division
§ Certificate awarding ceremony circular
§ Instructor payment Circular New Form Sinhala & Tamil
§ Instructor payment Circular Sinhala & Tamil
§ NYSC Training Centres 2023 Circular Sinhala & Tamil
Provincial Office
§ Monthly Financial Progress Report Format for Provincial Office- (pdf)
§ Monthly Financial Progress Report Format for Provincial Office- (xls)
Training Centre
§ Budget Plan Reports – Sinhala and Tamil
§ Budget Plan Excel Format Sinhala (xls)
§ Budget Plan Excel Format Tamil (xls)