Sustainable Peace through reconciliation
To promote harmony between Tamil and Sinhalese youngsters, the National Youth Service Council and the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs organized a 233-kilometer walk from Jaffna to Kathirgamam that covered 92 kilometers.
The National Youth Service Councils Chairman/Director General, Mr. Pasindu Gunaratne, and Director (Administration), Mr. Manula Chamal Perera, welcomed everyone and conducted religious services there. The voyage was finished after a 4KM walk with visits to the Kadirgamam Manika Ganga and the Kathirgamam Temple, as well as a prayer for perpetual peace.
Director of the Waturawila Rajamaha Temple Waturawila Dharmaradhana Thera, Chairman/Director General of the National Youth Service Council Mr. Pasindu Gunaratne, Director (Administration) Mr. Manula Chamal Perera, Secretary of the Sri Lankan Youth Federation Mr. Tharindu Naveen, Mr. Dilshan Wickramaratna Gunasekara, and RMPSB Rathnayake District Commissioner for Monaragala. Members of the 306/A-1 Kathirkamam Bogahapelessa Heritage Lions Club as well as Mr. Ratnayake were there.
A total of 12 officers and 80 youth participated in this program, representing each district.