Examination and Assessment Division


Role of the Examination and Assessment Division
  • Conducting the final examination for all the training centers of National Youth Services Council within one stipulated time period.

  • Issuing the relevant certificate to the trainees before lapse of 03 months of the completion of final examination and holding the certificate award ceremonies.

  • Holding the assessment for the Skills based Courses conducted in the training centers of National Youth Services Council and the issuing of locally and internationally accredited National Vocational Training Certificates. (NVQ certificates).

  • Creating opportunities for the youth trainees who fulfill/acquire the vocation skills through the above courses for direct employment (OJT).

  • Formulation of general curriculums for non- NVQ courses and distribution of such curriculums to training centers.

  • Implementing (RPL) method to provide (NVQ) certificates to youth with vocational experience and creating awareness at provincial level.

Conducting Final Examination
Telephone and Email

- 011-2837065

- exam.assessment@gmail.com